- Continuous integration: are pull requests bad? - Mauro Servienti
- Deno joins TC39
- Testing an incremental generator with snapshot testing: Creating a source generator - Part 2
- Release v5.0.0 · facebook/create-react-app · GitHub
- Remix for Next.js Developers
- Learn Go with Tests - Learn Go with tests
- A Thread from @dan_abramov: "a hundred things i learned working on the react team […]"
- Pipeline resolvers in AppSync - Advanced Web Machinery
- Web3 is going just great
- Adam Storr - Deploying an Azure Static Web App with Pulumi as a Beginner
- 42 things I learned from building a production database - mahesh’s blog
- GitHub Next - Visualizing a codebase
- JSON in HTML Attributes With ASP.NET Core TagHelpers - Khalid Abuhakmeh
- You suck at OKRs. Here’s why.
- Making your open source project sponsor-ready, Part 1: Companies and trust - Human Who Codes
- Octopus Deploy's response to Log4j - Octopus Deploy
- Do use AWS CloudFormation (a response) - Cloudar
- This Week In React #86: Special React Conf, React-Forget, Web-Components, Framer Motion 3D, Expo, Turborepo, Tailwind, Vitest… - Revue
- Oren Eini — Scalable architecture from the ground up - YouTube