- C# async await explained - NDepend
- Are Temporal Tables an alternative to Event Sourcing? - Event-Driven.io
- Codespaces for multi-repository and monorepo scenarios - The GitHub Blog
- How DALL-E 2 Actually Works
- Aggregate Responsibility Design - Blog - Ardalis
- How to build a REST client with JavaScript proxies - LogRocket Blog
- Production postmortem: Misleading security and other production snafus - Ayende @ Rahien
- You probably don't need AWS and are better off without it – Trickster Dev
- Introducing multi-service deployments via Serverless Framework Compose
- Local development is an XY problem
- JavaScript crash course: Firestore and Auth - JavaScript & Firebase - YouTube
- Blocking or Non-Blocking API calls? - YouTube
- The Official Beginner’s Guide to XState in React - YouTube